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VITA - virtual learning

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Nati Cisse presenting VITA in Slactions

  • CENTERIS Poster. João Varajão (UTAD) presented a VITA poster about the Profile of SME's Manager in CENTERIS 2009 - Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. October 2009.  The poster can be downloaded here:
  • Sancin C., Castello V., Sorrentino G. , Virtualizzazione degli ambienti formativi. Il progetto VITA, poster sottomesso e approvato, DIDAMATICA 2010, Aprile 2010.

  • Castello V., Sancin C., Sorrentino G., Italy, Virtual environments for competences development – Vita project, poster scientifico sottomesso e approvato, EDEN 2010 Annual Conference, Valencia, Spagna, Giugno 2010.

  • Sancin C., Sorrentino G., Virtual environments for real competences development, DULPCamp 09, Settembre 2009.

  • Castello V., Sancin C., Di Genova D., Ambienti virtuali, social software e apprendimento. Il progetto VITA, in A. Andronico, L. Colazzo (Eds.): DIDAMATICA 2009 – ISBN 978-88-8443-277-3.

  • Rodrigues, Clara; Coelho, Dalila; Morgado, Leonel; Varajão, João; Haidimoschi, Aura; Doppler, Gerhard; Koivusalo, Hillevi; Jokinen, Paivi; Velegrakis, George; Sancin, Chiara; Carmenini, Valentina (2009). Virtual Learning for the management of successful SMEs in Europe. In Morgado, Leonel; Zagalo, Nelson; Boa-Ventura, Ana (Eds.) "Proceedings of the SLACTIONS 2009 International Conference - Life, imagination, and word using metaverse platforms", pp. 165-170, ISBN 978-972-669-924-8. Vila Real, Portugal: Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Proceedings of the SLACTIONS 2009 International Conference - Life, imagination, and word using metaverse platforms

  • Velegrakis, George; Rodrigues, Clara; Coelho, Dalila; Varajão, João; Morgado, Leonel; Dominguez, Caroline; Sancín, Chiara; Doppler, Gerhard; Koivusalo, Hillevi; Lakanen, Erja; Haidimoschi, Aura (2009). Profile of the SME manager - Competences defining the profile of the European entrepreneur. In Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2009 – Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, 7-9, October 2009, Ofir, Portugal, ISBN 978-972-669-929-3, pp. 725-726, Vila Real, Portugal: UTAD.

  • Morgado, Leonel; Varajão, João; Coelho, Dalila; Rodrigues, Clara; Sancin, Chiara; Castello, Valentina (in press). The opportunity of using virtual worlds to teach and learn about SME management. To appear in The Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education, 1 (1).

  • Sorrentino G., Sancin C., Castello V., Pucillo D. Il Cyber Manager: l’imprenditore moderno nell’ambiente virtuale AICA 2010, L’Aquila, Italy, 29-30 September 1 October 2010

  • Dominguez, Caroline; Varajão, João; Morgado, Leonel; Oliveira, Irene; Sousa, Fernanda (2010). SME Managers' Most Important Entrepreneurship and Business Competences. In Varajão, J.; Cruz-Cunha, M. M.; Putnik, G. D.; Trigo, A. (Eds.) "ENTERprise Information Systems - International Conference, CENTERIS 2010, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, October 2010, Proceedings, Part II", pp. 274-282, ISBN 978-3-642-16418-7. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.

  • Pereira, Jorge; Pereira, Joel; Costa, Cristóvão; Silva, Daniel; Varajão, João; Morgado, Leonel (2010). A survey of adult education campi in Second Life. In "Proceedings of ECEL 2010 - The 9th European Conference on e-Learning held at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal on 4-5 November 2010", pp. 471-417. Reading, UK: Academic Publishing.

  • Morgado, Leonel; Varajão, João; Coelho, Dalila; Rodrigues, Clara; Sancin, Chiara; Castello, Valentina (2010). The Attributes and Advantages of Virtual Worlds for Real World Training. The Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education, 1 (1).

  • Sá, Ana; Dominguez, Caroline; Varajão, João; Morgado, Leonel (accepted). Proposta de análise das dinâmicas de transferência de conhecimento entre especialistas tecnológicos e formadores. To be presented at JOCLAD 2011.

  • Velegrakis, George; Varajão, João; Morgado, Leonel; Dominguez, Caroline; Rodrigues, Clara; Coelho, Dalila; Haidimoschi, Aura; Sancin, Chiara; Doppler, Gerhard; Koivusalo, Hillevi; Lakanen, Erja (2011). ). SME Managers' Required Entrepreneurship and Business Competences. In Cruz-Cunha, Maria Manuela & Varajão, João (Eds.) "E-Business Managerial Aspects, Solutions and Case Studies", ISBN 978-1-60960-463-9, pp. 42-49. Hershey, PA, USA: Business Science Reference.

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