ERROR: Field sid does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
VITA - virtual learning
WORKPLANWP1 Project's Settlement
- Quality Management plan
- Communication protocol
- Network of SMEs
WP2 Target Group Needs Analysis
- Methodological plan
- Instruments
- National and Transnational reports
WP3 Training curricula
- Cource curricullum and training plan
- Tutor's and learner's handbook
- Didactic materials
WP4 Virtual Campus Prototype
- Infrastructure and access
- Content and interface
- Users' handbook
- Test report
- Revision and update
WP5 Training
- Learner's Activity
- Learning Achievements
- Collaboration forum
- Training report
WP6 Practice Apprenticeship
- Virtual SMEs and tutorship
- SMEs' activity reports
- Apprenticeship reports / evaluation
- Learners certification
WP7 Valorization of results near project's beneficiaries
- Employers' awareness of virtual learning achievements
- Recognition of certifications
- Higher learners' employability
WP8 Promotion of Good Practices
- Guide of good practices taken from learners' experiences
- Final Conference
- Final Report
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ERROR: Field sid does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
ERROR: Field value does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
ERROR: Field user_id does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
ERROR: Field dirty_prefs does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
ERROR: Field last_access does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
ERROR: Field sid does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
ERROR: Field sid does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
ERROR: Field value does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
ERROR: Field user_id does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
ERROR: Field dirty_prefs does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)
ERROR: Field last_access does not exist in Table itk_sessions ! (E_ITK_056)